Do you often wake feeling tired despite sleeping all night? Maybe your spouse is constantly poking you at night because you snore loudly? If this sounds familiar, it may be time to visit a doctor at your local sleep center in Las Vegas to be evaluated for sleep apnea. This is a sleep disorder that affects roughly 5 to 20% of the adult population; however, it is estimated that as much as one-third of those with the condition remain undiagnosed. To protect your overall health and quality of life, it is important to seek treatment right away.
sleep Solutions & Tmj Pain Therapy Blog
When Is It Time to Visit a Sleep Center in Las Vegas?
September 5, 2017
Can I Use an Oral Appliance Instead of CPAP?
August 15, 2017
If you’ve recently been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea, you may be worried that continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is the only treatment option you have. These systems are effective, but many patients struggle to adjust to the sounds or sensations caused by their CPAP systems. A dentist can provide a viable alternative treatment option. Oral appliance therapy keeps the airway clear using just a small, portable, comfortable mouthguard rather than large facial masks and noisy air pumps. They’re not effective in treating all cases of sleep apnea. Sufferers of central sleep apnea, which occurs when the brain fails to trigger the body to inhale during sleep, will not receive adequate relief from sleep apnea therapy using oral appliances. Additionally, those who have severe obstructive sleep apnea may be better served by using a CPAP system or combined oral appliance and CPAP therapy. For patients with mild to moderate apnea, oral appliances may be a great option.
Sleep Apnea Treatment in Las Vegas during Pregnancy
July 27, 2017
Sleep apnea is a fairly common sleep disorder that affects roughly 22 million adult Americans, but it is estimated as much as 75% remain undiagnosed. This disorder results when numerous pauses in breathing occur frequently while sleeping due to an obstruction in the airway. While it can occur in anyone, it is commonly found in those who are overweight, have a large neck circumference, or cardiovascular disease. However, pregnant women also have an increased risk for developing the disorder. When this occurs, it is vital they seek sleep apnea treatment in Las Vegas. At iSleep Solutions, we provide the solutions you need to protect your health and quality of life.
What are the Signs of Sleep Apnea in Children?
June 18, 2017
Your child’s performance seems to be slipping at school. You also notice that they complain of headaches frequently. You’ve gone to the eye doctor, but nothing’s wrong there. You’re at a loss as to what to do next. Did you know that your child could be suffering from sleep apnea? Here are some of the telltale signs of sleep apnea in children.
Protect Your Health with Sleep Apnea Therapy in Las Vegas
May 9, 2017
Do you snore excessively at night or wake with morning time headaches? You may be suffering from a disorder known as sleep apnea. This condition causes numerous pauses in breathing frequently throughout the night due to an obstruction in the airway. Roughly 5% of the U.S. adult population have the disorder; however, the amount of those with the condition is assumed to be far higher because many do not seek treatment despite having symptoms. This is often due to a lack of understating about the risks associated the condition. Contrary to popular belief, sleep apnea produces more complications than just a decreased sleep quality. You need sleep apnea therapy in Las Vegas to protect your health and quality of life. iSleep Solutions has the treatment options you need to sleep better while breathing easier.
Manage Diabetes with Sleep Apnea Therapy in Las Vegas
April 2, 2017
Sleep apnea is a very serious sleep disorder that affects more than 25 million adult Americans. The condition causes numerous pauses in breathing frequently throughout the night due an obstruction in the airway. Although many tend to believe the only difficulties of the condition involves loud, chronic snoring and poor sleep quality, the complications are quite extensive if not properly treated. Not only will it lead to cardiovascular issues, but research shows a clear connection between sleep apnea and diabetes. To protect your health and well-being, you need sleep apnea therapy in Las Vegas. At iSleep Solutions, we will help you protect your health with effective treatment options.
What are My Options for Sleep Apnea Therapy in Las Vegas?
March 12, 2017
It is estimated, roughly 25 million people suffer from sleep apnea. This sleep disorder causes frequent pauses in breathing numerous times throughout the night. These pauses lower the body’s oxygen levels. Over time, this produces potentially deadly health complications, such as a heightened risk for cardiovascular disease. Not to mention, the poor sleep quality takes a toll on your enjoyment for life. To treat the condition, oral sleep appliances are often used for sleep apnea therapy in Las Vegas. While oral appliances are effective, they may not be the right solution for everyone.
Sleep Center in Las Vegas Discusses the Difference Between Snoring and Sleep Apnea
January 9, 2017
You regularly get accused of snoring during the night. Your bed partner finds it hard to get a good night’s rest next to you. Did you know that loud snoring is often a telltale sign of sleep apnea? But how do you know if that’s what you suffer from? Your sleep center in Las Vegas discusses the difference between snoring and sleep apnea.
Sleep Center in Las Vegas Can Help You Rest Tonight
December 18, 2016
You’ve finally decided to turn your digital clock around, because whatever the time is, you don’t want to know. You’ve been tossing and turning for hours, and you know your alarm is depressingly close to going off, but you haven’t gotten a moment of sleep. Why is it so difficult for you to rest? You just want answers, but mostly, you just want to go to sleep. People with your type of problem may need to visit their local sleep center in Las Vegas, and today we’ll let you know the 4 reasons why iSleepSolutions is the best place to help you finally rest. (more…)
Hate Your CPAP? Here’s an Alternative Option for Sleep Apnea Treatment
November 14, 2016
When you suffer from sleep apnea, it greatly affects the quality of your life. You may suffer from frequent and painful headaches, you might also find it difficult to focus or concentrate on your normal daily activities. Believe it or not, sleep apnea has a big impact on your personal and professional relationships. Continuous positive air pressure therapy, or CPAP, is the standard of care for treating sleep apnea, however many patients find it hard to wear at night. If you hate your CPAP, here’s an alternative option for sleep apnea treatment.