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Could the Coronavirus Quarantine be Encouraging Your Jaw Pain?

May 13, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drwest @ 4:58 pm

woman with jaw pain needs TMJ therapy in Las Vegas

Due to the outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), Americans have suddenly been thrust into a new reality. Many have become more acquainted with their home and family than they could have ever imagined. The crisis has also led to some financial uncertainties. These abrupt changes have naturally caused a great deal of angst, and this could possibly have an impact on someone’s jaw health. If you’ve been experiencing jaw pain recently, read on to learn how TMJ therapy in Las Vegas could possibly help you out.


Why You Should Never Ignore the Pain in Your Jaw

April 17, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drwest @ 1:15 pm

Man lying in bed suffering from TMJ painLately, you’ve noticed that you’ve been waking up with pain in your jaw every morning. There’s also a clicking noise every time you open and close your mouths. These issues are annoying, but so far they’ve been manageable. Surely you can just keep living your life as normal without seeking treatment for such minor issues? Don’t make this mistake; the symptoms associated with an injured TMJ in Las Vegas may not seem particularly problematic at first, but ignoring them could have dangerous consequences. Learn more about the warning signs of a TMJ disorder – and why they should be heeded.


Could E-Cigarettes Stop You from Having Sweet Dreams?

April 15, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drwest @ 7:09 pm

Electronic cigarette used for vaping, emitting aerosolPart of what makes sleep apnea such a dangerous condition is how easily it can go undetected. Of the 22 million Americans suffering from it right now, roughly 80% don’t even realize it. Consequently, if you fall under this category, you might be making decisions that are aggravating your condition without knowing it – and that includes the use of electronic cigarettes that already hurt your body in other ways. Can vaping make sleep apnea worse? Read on to learn the answers that could mean the difference between sweet dreams and a life of constant exhaustion – or worse.


Morning Headaches: A Symptom of Sleep Apnea

March 23, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drwest @ 2:05 pm

Man lying in bed with a morning headacheMany people – about one in 13 to be exact – are all too familiar with the feeling of waking up every morning to throbbing head pain. Your first thought might be that it’s a migraine, but there’s also a second, more dangerous possibility: sleep apnea in Las Vegas. In some cases, headaches are a side effect of an untreated sleep disorder that, if left untreated, could lead to any number of health problems. Do you want to stop your pain and enjoy a full night’s rest? Read on to learn how to recognize sleep apnea headaches and what you can do about them.


Why Does My Jaw Hurt? TMJ and 4 Other Possible Causes

March 14, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drwest @ 1:05 pm

Are you having trouble eating what you want because of a recurring pain in your jaw? Is speaking suddenly an uncomfortable or difficult task? Jaw pain in Las Vegas can be irritating at best and downright debilitating at worst, and oftentimes the symptoms only become more severe when ignored. To find relief, you need to consider all the possibilities before seeking the appropriate type of treatment. Here are 5 reasons why your jaw might have started to hurt – as well as what you need to do about it.


4 Dangerous Side Effects of Sleep Apnea

January 27, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drwest @ 2:25 pm

Man with sleep apnea snoring in bedDespite an estimated 22 million Americans suffering from the condition, the American Sleep Apnea Association estimates that around 80 percent of moderate to severe sleep apnea cases go undiagnosed. If you’re unfortunate enough to fall into this group, then your body could be at risk for various health problems without you knowing it – unless, of course, your disorder is diagnosed and treated right away! Here are 4 of the hidden consequences you might be facing if you’re battling sleep apnea every night.


Everything You Should Know This TMD Awareness Month

November 27, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drwest @ 1:26 pm

person laying in bed with jaw painThis month is dedicated to TMD awareness. If you wake up with throbbing headaches and jaw tension and always brush it off, you could have a serious disorder. Your condition can make it painful and difficult to complete everyday tasks like chewing and speaking, impacting your overall quality of life. These jaw alignment issues impact an estimated 10 million Americans, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. You can get the relief you need and improve your wellbeing by learning what symptoms to spot at home and how to seek treatment. Read on to find out everything you need to know for TMD Awareness Month. (more…)

4 Factors Making Your Sleep Apnea Worse

November 15, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drwest @ 2:12 pm

cigarrette against a black background

According to the National Sleep Foundation, about 18 million adults in the United States have obstructive sleep apnea. A majority of these cases of sleep apnea in Las Vegas go undiagnosed, leaving the issue to only get worse over time, especially if the patients are at an increased risk of experiencing serious symptoms. Without the proper oxygen flow and good quality rest every night, your body won’t have a chance to properly repair itself, leaving you fatigued throughout the day. These symptoms can impact your overall wellbeing, making the condition vital to treat. Read on for four risk factors that could be making your sleep apnea worse. (more…)

The Benefits of Sleeping Under a Weighted Blanket

October 4, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drwest @ 8:46 pm

woman sleeping under a blanket

If you’ve been on social media recently, you’ve probably seen someone touting the benefits of weighted blankets. Although they were originally used to soothe the restless minds of those with conditions like anxiety, ADHD, and ASD, pretty much anyone can use them to achieve better quality sleep. In particular, they may be helpful for those with sleep apnea. Let’s find out how weighted blankets work and how they can benefit those with sleep disorders.


9 Best Stretches to Relieve TMJ Pain

September 23, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drwest @ 1:41 pm

woman with jaw pain

Do you ever hear a clicking noise when you move your mouth? Do you have trouble opening and closing your jaw all the way? Then you might have temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder, or a problem with the joint just below your ears that connects your jaw to your skull. Although this condition can be painful, there are TMJ stretches you can do to relieve your discomfort. Let’s take a closer look at 9 of them.


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